Note: on the off-chance that someone is reading this, as of late-2020 I am reworking the entire package. Functions that are part of the “new regime” begin with pth_; we can expect other functions to be removed in time.

The goal of colorpath is to introduce as a level of abstraction above a color palette. It is thought that a set of palettes: categorical, sequential, and diverging, could be built using colors contained within a set of paths. A color path is built by constructing splines through HCL space, then scaling the input to aim for perceptual uniformity.

This may also be useful for constructing sets of palettes each for light mode and dark mode.


You can install the github version of colorpath from CRAN with:

# install.packages("remotes")


This package rests squarely on the foundation laid by the colorspace package, and was inspired by Achim Zeileis’ talk at UseR! 2019 in Toulouse.

As well, a lot of inspiration is drawn from the design of the matplotlib default colormaps presented at PyCon 2015.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the colorpath project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.