A continuous-palette function takes a vector of numbers, each between 0 and 1, and returns a vector of character strings, each containing the correpsonding hex-code. You con use a continuous-palette function to build a custom ggplot2 scale, using ggplot2::continuous_scale().

pev_fcont(.fcont, ...)

# S3 method for default
pev_fcont(.fcont, ...)

# S3 method for pev_fcont
pev_fcont(.fcont, ...)

# S3 method for character
pev_fcont(.fcont, ...)

# S3 method for pev_hcl
pev_fcont(.fcont, ...)



object that can be coerced to pev_fcont, when called with a numeric vector with values between 0 and 1, returns the corresponding (hex-code) values.


other arguments (not used).


function with S3 class pev_fcont, when called with a numeric vector with values between 0 and 1, returns the corresponding (hex-code) values.


These functions help you build, modify, and compose continuous-palette functions. By working with functions, rather than with a finite set of hex-colors, we can avoid interpolation-errors as we compose and rescale.

A continuous-palette function can be constructed using pev_fcont(); it takes a single argument .fcont, which can be one of:


(scalar) name of a palette, used by colorspace::hcl_palettes, or (vector) hex-colors, used by scales::colour_ramp()


Set of HCL parameters returned by pev_hcl().


If you provide a pev_fcont, this is a no-op.

The print method for a pev_fcont function generates a plot of the palette.

The other functions that return continuous-palette functions are:


Modify output to simulate color-vision deficiency.


Rescale input to continuous-palette function.


Reverse palette-function.


Create a diverging-palette function from two functions.


# Use a colorspace palette pev_fcont("Blues 2")