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Create a URL board with a manifest


board_url_manifest(url, cache = NULL, use_cache_on_failure = is_interactive())



root URL of the board


Cache path. Every board requires a local cache to avoid downloading files multiple times. The default stores in a standard cache location for your operating system, but you can override if needed.


If the pin fails to download, is it ok to use the last cached version? Defaults to is_interactive() so you'll be robust to poor internet connectivity when exploring interactively, but you'll get clear errors when the code is deployed.


board <- board_url_manifest(url_demo_manifest())
#> [1] "mtcars-csv"  "mtcars-json"
pins::pin_meta(board, "mtcars-csv")
#> List of 11
#>  $ file       : chr "mtcars-csv.csv"
#>  $ file_size  : 'fs_bytes' int 1.27K
#>  $ pin_hash   : chr "48c73eef04b242dd"
#>  $ type       : chr "csv"
#>  $ title      : chr "mtcars-csv: a pinned 32 x 11 data frame"
#>  $ description: NULL
#>  $ created    : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2022-08-11 15:58:05"
#>  $ api_version: num 1
#>  $ user       : list()
#>  $ name       : chr "mtcars-csv"
#>  $ local      :List of 4
#>   ..$ dir     : 'fs_path' chr "~/.cache/pins/url/4634077d3a3c2fa97df429def01d8a31"
#>   ..$ url     : chr ""
#>   ..$ version : NULL
#>   ..$ file_url: chr ""| __truncated__