Use to install the project's package dependencies. This is a thin wrapper to remotes::install_deps(); by default, it installs all "Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", and "LinkingTo".

proj_install_deps(path = usethis::proj_get(), dependencies = TRUE, ...)



character, path to the project directory. If your current working-directory in is in the project, the default will do the right thing.


Which dependencies do you want to check? Can be a character vector (selecting from "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", or "Enhances"), or a logical vector.

TRUE is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo" and "Suggests". NA is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports" and "LinkingTo" and is the default. FALSE is shorthand for no dependencies (i.e. just check this package, not its dependencies).

The value "soft" means the same as TRUE, "hard" means the same as NA.

You can also specify dependencies from one or more additional fields, common ones include:

  • Config/Needs/website - for dependencies used in building the pkgdown site.

  • Config/Needs/coverage for dependencies used in calculating test coverage.


other arguments passed to remotes::install_deps().


Invisible NULL, called for side effects.


# not run because it produces side effects
if (FALSE) {