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Given a league-play data frame from {engsoccerdata}, returns a tibble with standardised column-names and types, e.g. date is a Date.


uss_make_matches(data_engsoc, country)



obtained from engsoccerdata.


character scalar, specifies the league.


a tibble with columns country, date, season, tier, home, visitor, goals_home, goals_visitor.


uss_make_matches(engsoccerdata::spain, "Spain")
#> # A tibble: 23,915 × 8
#>    country  tier season date       home         visitor goals_home goals_visitor
#>    <chr>   <int>  <int> <date>     <chr>        <chr>        <int>         <int>
#>  1 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-10 Arenas de G… Atleti…          2             3
#>  2 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-10 Espanyol Ba… Real U…          3             2
#>  3 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-10 Real Madrid  CE Eur…          5             0
#>  4 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-10 Real Socied… Athlet…          1             1
#>  5 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-12 Racing Sant… FC Bar…          0             2
#>  6 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-17 FC Barcelona Real M…          1             2
#>  7 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-17 Athletic Bi… Espany…          9             0
#>  8 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-17 Atletico Ma… Real S…          0             3
#>  9 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-17 Real Union   Racing…          3             1
#> 10 Spain       1   1928 1929-02-17 CE Europa    Arenas…          5             2
#> # … with 23,905 more rows