The bs_collapse() family of functions may not be the most useful, but it gives us a place to start.

The first step is to create (and publish to the page) a collapsible element, using the bs_collapse() function, supplying a unique id and some HTML content.

  id = "yeah", 
  content = tags$div(class = "well", "Yeah Yeah Yeah")
Yeah Yeah Yeah

Next, attach the id of the collapsible element to a button or link tag, using the bs_attach_collapse() function. This returns a modified copy of the tag sent to it.

bs_button("She Loves You", button_type = "primary") %>%

You can attach the id of a collapsible element to as many buttons or links as you like:

bs_button("Sie Liebt Dich", button_type = "primary")  %>%


For more information, please see the Bootstrap JavaScript page.