Get perceptual-separation within discrete-palette

pev_data_separation(.fdisc, n = NULL, method = "cie2000",
  include_cvd = TRUE)



object that can be coerced to pev_fdisc, when called with an integer, returns the corresponding (hex-code) values.


integer number of colors to use for unbounded palette-functions


character, describes how the domain of the continuous palette is to be discretized, can be "post" or "panel" (using a fencing analogy).


logical or character, indicates to include data for for color-vision deficiency. Possible character values: "none", "protan", "deutan", "tritan".


tbl_df with variables cvd, hex_a, hex_b, distance

See also



pev_fcont("Dynamic") %>% pev_fdisc(n = 7, method = "panel") %>% pev_data_separation()
#> # A tibble: 484 x 6 #> cvd i i_ref hex hex_ref distance #> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 none 1 1 #E19896 #E19896 0 #> 2 none 1 2 #E19896 #E393B8 12.5 #> 3 none 1 3 #E19896 #D497D3 19.4 #> 4 none 1 4 #E19896 #B3A2E1 24.8 #> 5 none 1 5 #E19896 #82AFDE 34.7 #> 6 none 1 6 #E19896 #4CB9CC 52.4 #> 7 none 1 7 #E19896 #3BBEAE 48.8 #> 8 none 1 8 #E19896 #64BC8C 49.0 #> 9 none 1 9 #E19896 #91B66F 42.9 #> 10 none 1 10 #E19896 #B6AD65 32.7 #> # … with 474 more rows