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This has essentially the same as the matches data; here, a row is returned for every combination of team and match. Thus there are two rows returned for each row in the data_matches tibble: one for each team.





data.frame created using uss_get_matches() or uss_make_matches()


tibble with columns country, tier, season, team, date, opponent, at_home, goals_for, goals_against; ordered by country, tier, season, team, date.


uss_get_matches("england") |>
  uss_make_teams_matches() |>
  dplyr::filter(team == "Leeds United") |>
#> # A tibble: 6 × 9
#>   country  tier season team  date       at_home opponent goals_for goals_against
#>   <chr>   <int>  <int> <chr> <date>     <lgl>   <chr>        <int>         <int>
#> 1 England     3   2009 Leed… 2010-04-10 TRUE    Southen…         2             0
#> 2 England     3   2009 Leed… 2010-04-13 FALSE   Carlisl…         3             1
#> 3 England     3   2009 Leed… 2010-04-17 FALSE   Gilling…         2             3
#> 4 England     3   2009 Leed… 2010-04-24 TRUE    Milton …         4             1
#> 5 England     3   2009 Leed… 2010-05-01 FALSE   Charlto…         0             1
#> 6 England     3   2009 Leed… 2010-05-08 TRUE    Bristol…         2             1