2.1 Principles

Both Shiny and Dash use the idea of a reactive graph, which indicates what things depend on what other things:

  • In Shiny, the reactive graph (what depends on what) is inferred using the code in reactive expressions.

  • In Dash, it is explicit, which is a mixed blessing.

For Dash, this explicitness provides the flexibility to do a lot of things, but the price is that you have to specify:

  • all the DOM components (UI elements) in the layout.
  • each connection between components is governed by a callback function that you provide.

This is substantially similar to Shiny: part of the Dash app is used to define the UI; the rest defines what happens on the server.

However, there are a couple of big considerations:

  • the state of the app cannot be stored in the server application.
  • it is easiest to move you data around using JSON and base64-encoded data.

This is different from Shiny, which stores the state of the application in the server function. Further, Shiny manages the serialization/de-serialization of data to/from the UI; with Dash, you have to manage that yourself.

These are not insurmountable obstacles, as well see in the rest of this section. For example, one place to store the state is the user’s browser, in the web-page (DOM) itself.

2.1.1 Everything that exists is a component

These first two subsections are an homage to the famous John Chambers quotes:

To understand computations in R, two slogans are helpful:

  • Everything that exists is an object.
  • Everything that happens is a function call.

Similarly, everything that exists on Dash app’s web page is a component.

As we’ll see in the demo, a Dash app contains a layout that you specify:

app.layout = html.div(...)

You need to fill in the .... A component might be a straightforward HTML element, or it might be a Dash component, where you define the attributes.

The html object (imported from the dash package) behaves very similarly to R’s htmltools package; they are both based on the HTML5 spec.

We’ll see more in the demo, but here’s an example of a Dash component:

dcc.Dropdown(id='cols-group', multi=True)

This is a dropdown component; we define the id and multi properties at definition. In this case, we don’t define the options or value properties. We’ll update the options dynamically, and let the user set the value.

Like other components, dropdowns have a number of properties; we can set them either at initialization, as we did here, or we can set them using a callback.

2.1.2 Everything that happens is a callback

If you want something to happen in a Dash app, it has to happen in a callback function. Dash lets you write callbacks using Python. It also lets you write callbacks in JavaScript, but that gets beyond the scope of this book.

We’ll see this in more detail in the demo app, but a callback is a standard Python function with a decorator:

@app.callback(Output('cols-group', 'options'),
              Input('inp', 'data'))
def update_cols_group(data_records):
    return cols_choice(data_records, 'object')

The decorator, @app.callback(...) tells Dash which layout components to map to the function’s inputs and outputs. When an Input() changes:

  • the browser calls the Dash server to run the callback function.
  • the Dash server runs the Python function.
  • the Dash server sends the Output() to the browser.
  • the browser updates the DOM.

2.1.3 Server cannot store state

Managing state is a pain. However, by remaining stateless, Dash is able to easily scale to as many server instances it needs because it does not matter which instance of a callback-function responds to which browser (user) making the call.

Coming from Shiny, this might seem like a show-stopper; we are used to manipulating, then storing data using the server side of an app. But there are ways around this. It’s not that you can’t store the state - you just can’t store it “here”. Your options are:

  • store data in the DOM, then send it when needed.
  • store data in an external database, or the like.

We’ll use the first option here. Here’s one of the components in our layout:

dcc.Store(id='inp', data=penguins.to_dict('records'))

Note that this component is initialized using the penguins data, but that we are using pandas’ to_dict() method. This is because the component will receive the data using JSON; it is stored in the DOM as a JavaScript object.

2.1.4 Use JSON or base64

The final thing to keep in mind is that when we communicate data between the browser DOM and the callback functions, it does not use native Python objects. Instead, from the Python callback-functions’ perspective, data is serialized to JSON when sent to the DOM, and deserialized from JSON when received from the DOM.

For Python dictionaries and lists containing numbers and strings, the serialization process is implied.

There are (at least) a couple of conventions for serializing a data frame to JSON: by row or by column.

Coming from R, you may think of a data frame as a list of vectors, each of the same length. This is column-based, for example:

  "species": ["Adelie", "Adelie"],
  "bill_length_mm": [39.1, 18.7]

Alternatively, the row-based approach:

  {"species": "Adelie", "bill_length_mm": 39.1},
  {"species": "Adelie", "bill_length_mm": 18.7}

The row-based approach seems to be the convention in Dash; this is the approach used by D3. Here, we think of a data frame as a collection of records. To serialize from Pandas, we’ll use to_dict('records'); to deserialize (import) into Pandas, we’ll use from_dict().

In the context of the Python code, I’ll refer to data formats as either:

  • data-frame format, i.e. Pandas data frame
  • records format, i.e. JSON collection of records

The other option is to use base64 encoding; I have seen this used for uploading/downloading text files, e.g. CSV or JSON files.