1.1 Principles
These are some things to keep in mind to help you write more-understandable and predictable Shiny apps.
1.1.1 Pure functions vs. side effects
This is the single biggest concept I have learned as a programmer, and I learned it relatively late in my career.
A pure function has two properties:
- given the same set of arguments, it always returns the same value.
- it makes no changes outside of its scope.
This can provide us some big benefits:
- it doesn’t matter where or how the return value is computed, we can rely on getting the same answer.
- we don’t have to worry about the environment changing as a result of calling the function.
Here’s a couple of examples of pure functions:
function(x) {
**2 - 1
function(x) {
paste(x, " using a pure function.")
Pure functions are relatively striaghtforward to test because the output depends only on the inputs.
Side effects is a catch-all term for when a function’s behavior either:
- depends on something not passed in as an argument.
- changes the something outside of its scope, e.g.: writes a file, displays a plot.
Here’s a couple of functions that either depend on or cause side effects:
# return value depends on the *contents* of the file, not just file_name
function(file_name) {
# this might make a change in a remote service
function(url, data) {
<- curl::new_handle()
h ::handle_setform(h, data)
curl }
Aside from being non-deterministic, functions with side effects can take a long time to execute.
Of course, side effects are not necessarily bad things, but we need to be aware of them. Your Shiny server-function will make much more sense, and be much easier to debug, if you recognize pure functions and side effects.
1.1.2 Reactives vs. observers
Shiny server-functions provide two broad mechanisms for updating the state of your app:
: these return values, and work well with pure functions. In other words, the returned value depends only on the reactive values it depends on.observe()
: there is no return value; instead, these cause side-effects. Very often, the effect is to change something in the UI, such as the choices in an input, or to render a plot.
In Shiny, reactive expressions are designed to run quickly and often; observers are designed to be run sparingly.
1.1.3 Using tidyverse functions
The tidyverse is designed with interactive programming in mind. It is meant to support code like this, without a lot of quotes or namespace qualifiers:
penguins group_by(island, sex) |>
summarise(bill_length_mm = mean(bill_length_mm))
In Shiny, variable (column) names in data frames are expressed as strings, rather than as bare variable-names.
As well, in Shiny, we may want to summarise()
an arbitrary set of variables.
Thus, it can be a challenge to use tidyverse code in Shiny.
It should not surprise us that the tidyverse offers tools to address this situation:
is a set of tools to select variables within a data frame. Functions that use<tidy-select>
. Of particular use in Shiny are the selection helpers for strings:dplyr::any_of()
lets us use a<tidy-select>
specification in a data-masking function. More concretely, it lets usgroup_by()
over an arbitrary set of variables in a data frame.- If you need to use data-masking with (by definition) a single variable, you can use subsetting with the
pronoun, e.g.ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[str_var_x]])